Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetary

Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetary
A lasting memorial in appreciation and gratitude for service and sacrifice to our nation.

25 May 2007

Re: Sharp Shooter

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Adams
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: Sharp Shooter

The louder the "CRACK", the closer the bullet! I had lots of antennas that seemed to be bullet magnets for me.

There was even a time when they tried to put a mortar round in my crater position. The rounds landed all around that hole all afternoon, but none ever landed inside it. Odds were that at least one round should have landed in the crater. It was wide and was a hole caused by a delayed fuse 500 Lb bomb. Out of that crater were four of our antennas, and the bad guys were less than 200 yards away. They knew I was in that hole and tried their dandiest to put a round in there with me. They eventually got lucky enough to put a piece of shrapnel in my arm when I was briefly outside the hole.

The crater was about 10 feet across from one side to the other and I was about to slide into the crater when the round landed just on the otherside of the crater. So I was about 10 feet from it.

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